Goals & Timeline

What We Know About the Project

The Mercury Park Masterplan will be implemented in two-phases.

During Phase 1, the current residents of Parkside will be temporarily relocated to Mercury Court. The existing Parkside property will be redeveloped and the existing 46 units will be replaced. Once complete, the previous Parkside residents will move back in.

Phase 2, the redevelopment of Mercury Court, will begin after the completion of Phase 1. Current estimates are projecting 100 additional units to be added to Mercury Court. These, however, are just estimates and the final numbers may differ. The actual best utilization for Mercury Court is still to be determined through this masterplan process.

Below is what is currently understood about the goals and timeline of the redevelopment of Mercury Park.


Planning Objectives


1. Respect the context and scale of the community.

2. Create streets/courts/alleys for residents and city alike with safety and security in mind.

3. Design homes and spaces to address streets for safer “eyes on the street”.

4. Support health & wellness through sidewalks and connections to green open parks, playgrounds and community amenities.

5. Provide safe connections to and through neighborhood.

6. Optimize property development and encourage/support private investment.


Charrette Phase 1
